Kilkenny Cork 2006

The beginning of Kilkenny’s great run under Brian Cody where they would win 4 in a row from 2006-2009 and add to that with further wins in 2011, 2012 2014 and 2015. Indeed it might even have been 7 in a row but for Henry Shefflin’s injury and Lar Corbett’s hat trick performance in the 2010 final.

Brian Cody had already managed Kilkenny to victory in 2000, 2002 and 2003 but this was a new team that was being built. The incentive on the day was to prevent Cork from winning another three in a row – a feat they had last accomplished against Kilkenny back in 1978.

Kilkenny brought a high level of intensity to the game -the plan was to swarm Cork in order to nullify their short passing / running game. James Cha Fitzpatrick dominated midfield and both back lines performed well with Noel Hickey overcoming a health scare and John Tennyson and James Ryall putting in solid performances. An injury to JJ Delaney in the semi final had ruled him out of contention for the final. Jackie Tyrell was the victorious captain. Up front, Henry Shefflin contributed 8 points, while Aidan Fogarty also had a solid game netting 1-3.