Joe Hennessy

Before Tommy Walsh , there was Joe Hennessy a very skillful attacking right half back who operated well alongside centre back Ger Henderson. From the James Stephens club , Joe won 5 All Stars and 3 All Ireland winners medals in 1979, 1982 and 1983.

Nice point by Joe Hennessy around the 0.30 mark

JJ’s Hook 2014

JJ Delaney prevents an almost certain goal in an All Ireland Final..

1. Delaney immediately commits to chasing the attacking Tipperary forward Seamus Callinan at full speed

2. Patiently waits for the moment at which Callinan will strike – Delaney may have only one chance and Callinan might feint a strike before the actual shot or shorten the grip on the hurley to reduce his chance of being hooked.

3. Correctly anticipates the height at which Callinan strikes. Many forwards have taken to batting the ball in this situation to avoid being hooked although hurling purists may disapprove of this approach.

Hooking is a relatively simple skill – at close quarters it requires a certain amount of bravery, but when called upon to be used in high speed pursuit against one of the best forwards of the modern era there is a little more intelligence at play.